शोध पत्र

राज्य स्तर पर निर्यात संवर्धन की जरूरत को ध्यान में रखते हुए और भारत के अंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यापार को बढ़ावा देने के अपने मैंडेट के अनुसार, एक्ज़िम बैंक राज्य सरकारों के साथ मिलकर काम कर रहा है। इसके लिए बैंक देश के विभिन्न राज्यों से होने वाले निर्यातों और उनमें छिपी निर्यातों की असीम संभावनाओं का आकलन करते हुए राज्य विशिष्ट रणनीतियां बना रहा है, ताकि उन राज्यों में व्यापार स्पर्धात्मकता विकसित हो सके। ये रणनीतियां राज्यों की व्यापार स्पर्धात्मकता बढ़ाने, नवाचार को बढ़ावा देने, निर्यात वित्त की उपलब्धता को सुगम बनाने, उत्पादन चक्र में वैल्यू एडिशन बढ़ाने, निर्यातों के बारे में जानकारियां बढ़ाने, राज्यों के अपने उत्पादों की ब्रांडिंग और मार्केटिंग पर जोर देने और निर्यातों के जरिए उच्च वृद्धि को हासिल करने के लिए संस्थागत व्यवस्था बनाने से संबंधित होती हैं।

एक्ज़िम बैंक अपने शोध प्रयासों के जरिए भारतीय निर्यातकों का ज्ञानवर्द्धन कर उनकी प्रतिस्पर्धात्मकता बढ़ाने के लिए प्रयासरत है| इन शोध कार्यों में क्षेत्रगत, देशगत / क्षेत्रीय व्यापार, राज्य संबंधी, मैक्रो इकोनॉमिक व नीति संबंधी अध्ययन शामिल हैं| इन्हें कार्यकारी आलेखों और प्रासंगिक आलेखों के रूप में प्रकाशित किया जाता है| बैंक की प्रासंगिक आलेख श्रृंखला का उद्देश्य भारत के अंतरराष्ट्रीय कारोबार को बढ़ाने के लिए किए गए शोध अध्ययनों का प्रसार करना है| ये शोध अध्ययन निर्यातकों, नीति निर्माताओं, उद्योगपतियों, निर्यात संवर्द्धन एजेंसियों और शोधार्थियों के लिए उपयोगी हो सकते हैं| तथापि यह आवश्यक नहीं कि इनमें प्रकाशित विचार बैंक के हों|

नोट: सीमलेस डाउनलोड के लिए अपने ब्राउज़र पर पॉप-अप ब्लॉकर को डिसेबल करें।

  • सितम्बर 2024

    The Indian Toy Industry: Vocal for Local

    Research Brief

    PDF | 618 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 4594 kb

  • फरवरी 2024

    Unleashing India's e-Commerce Export Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3454 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3454 kb

  • नवंबर 2023

    Essays on Immigrants and their Impact on the Local Labour Market

    Research Brief

    PDF | 234 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2166 kb

  • अगस्त 2023


    Research Brief

    PDF | 514 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 4648 kb

  • जुलाई 2023

    Sugar and Ethanol Industry in India: Changing Dynamics

    Research Brief

    PDF | 75 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 75 kb

  • मार्च 2023

    Strengthening Collaborations to Bridge the Trade Finance Gap: Insights for G20 Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2872 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2872 kb

  • जनवरी 2023

    Iron and Steel Industry: Changing Trends

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5405 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5405 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2022

    Inverted Duty Structure and Effective Rate of Protection: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses

    Research Brief

    PDF | 719 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1053 kb

  • जून 2022

    Essays On Finance And Development

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5431 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5431 kb

  • May 2022

    Economic Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict: An Indian Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 8669 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 10158 kb

  • अप्रैल 2022


    Research Brief

    PDF | 1465 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 21145 kb

  • March 2022

    India's Engagements in Free Trade Agreements: Looking Ahead

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1685 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1685 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    Empirical Studies in International Trade

    Research Brief

    PDF | 4442 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 18455 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    Indian Dairy Sector: Recent Trends and Prospects for Greater Export Orientation

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5646 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5646 kb

  • फरवरी 2022

    Export Potential of India’s Shrimps And Prawns

    Research Brief

    PDF | 8209 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8209 kb

  • सितंबर 2021

    उदारीकरण के बाद के भारत में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार पर निबंध

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7124 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 4001 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    Indian Apparels – A Sector Study

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1440 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2459 kb

  • मार्च 2021


    Research Brief

    PDF | 282 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 4025 kb

  • दिसंबर 2020

    Building Infrastructure in CLMV: Opportunities for India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5281 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5281 kb

  • नवंबर 2020

    The Political Origin and Firm-Level Consequences of Bank Proliferation in China

    Research Brief

    PDF | 320 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8725 kb

  • सितंबर 2020

    Mandis, Competition and Farmer Incomes in India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 333kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7430 kb

  • सितंबर 2020

    Self-Reliant India: Approach and Strategic Sectors to Focus

    Research Brief

    PDF | 381 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7370 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    भारत-सीएलएमवी: एशिया में बिल्डिंग सप्लाई चेन

    Research Brief

    PDF | 9274 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 10169 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    AfCFTA: Opportunities for India in Africa's Economic Integration

    Research Brief

    PDF | 10278 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 10278 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    India and Central Asia: Revitalizing Trade and Investment Relations

    Research Brief

    PDF | 12763 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 12763 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    Realizing India's Trade and Investment Potential with South Korea

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5288 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5288 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    Packaging Sector: Potential and Way Forward

    Research Brief

    PDF | 278 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 14409 kb

  • दिसंबर 2019


    Research Brief

    PDF | 7863 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7863 kb

  • नवंबर 2019

    Essays On Education and Institutions in Developing Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 175 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 21403 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2019

    North Africa: Unlocking India’s Trade and Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 10554 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 10554 kb

  • सितंबर 2019

    Manufacturing in SADC: Moving Up the Value Chain

    Research Brief

    PDF | 385 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 10780 kb

  • अगस्त 2019

    Liberalisation, Wages and Sector Growth: General Equilibrium Analysis for India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 6198 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8133 kb

  • नवंबर 2018

    Exchange Rate Dynamics and its Impact on India's Exports to USA and EU: An Assessment

    Research Brief

    PDF | 8620 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8620 kb

  • अगस्त 2018

    Essays in Indian Trade Policy

    Research Brief

    PDF | 8969 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 9779 kb

  • जुलाई 2018

    Essays on International Trade, Welfare And Inequality

    Research Brief

    PDF | 130 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8259 kb

  • जुलाई 2018

    Exports from Uttar Pradesh: Trends, Opportunities and Policy Perspectives

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1207 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1207 kb

  • सितंबर 2017

    Financialization and its Implications on The Determination of Exchange Rates of Emerging Market Economies

    Research Brief

    PDF | 691 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3699 kb

  • जुलाई 2017

    The Internationalisation of Indian Firms through OFDI

    Research Brief

    PDF | 476 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 6010 kb

  • मार्च 2017

    Promoting Exports from Rajasthan: Insights and Policy Prespectives

    Research Brief

    PDF | 275 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 9011 kb

  • मार्च 2017

    Potential for Enhancing Exports from Andhra Pradesh

    Research Brief

    PDF | 268 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 8601 kb

  • फरवरी 2017

    India's Engagements with CLMV: Gateway to ASEAN Markets

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7470 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7470 kb

  • दिसंबर 2016

    Interlinkages between Export and employment in India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 720 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3591 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2016

    Technical Progress and Structural Change The Roles of Demand and Supply in Economic Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1649 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1649 kb

  • सितम्बर 2016

    Migration and Remittances in India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7390 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7390 kb

  • अगस्त 2016

    Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Challenges and Prospects

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3339 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3339 kb

  • जनवरी 2016

    MDB Funded Projects_Trends and Opportunities for India Exporters OP

    Research Brief

    PDF | 13 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 13 kb

  • नवम्बर 2015

    Potential for Trade of Organic products from India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5626 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5626 kb

  • जून 2015

    Value Addition Chains and Trade in Manufactured Commodities in Southeast Asia

    Research Brief

    PDF | 440 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2978 kb

  • जून 2015

    Indian Steel Industry: Export Prospects

    Research Brief

    PDF | 528 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 14229 kb

  • मार्च 2015

    Indian Electronic Goods Industry- Neutralizing Trade Deficit with China

    Research Brief

    PDF | 996 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 27572 kb

  • जनवरी 2015

    Bangladesh: A Study of India’s Trade And Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2279 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2279 kb

  • दिसंबर 2014

    Indian Capital Goods Industry: A Sector Study

    Research Brief

    PDF | 128 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 22134 kb

  • सितंबर 2014

    Trade Liberalization, Product Variety And Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 117 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3429 kb

  • मई 2014

    Outward Direct Investment From India: Trends, Objectives And Policy Perspectives

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1346 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1346 kb

  • मई 2014

    East African Community (EAC): A Study Of India's Trade And Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3206 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3206 kb

  • फरवरी 2014

    India’s Hi-Tech Exports Potential Markets and Key Policy Interventions

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5971 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5971 kb

  • सितंबर 2013

    India’s Trade and Investment Relations with Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam (CLMV): Enhancing Economic Cooperation 

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1282 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 3234 kb

  • सितंबर 2013

    Comparison of Labour Laws: Select Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 500 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 4579 kb

  • मार्च 2013

    West Africa: A Study of India's Trade and Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 803 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1814 kb

  • जनवरी 2013

    New Renewable Energy In India: Harnessing The Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7491 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 6765 kb

  • सितंबर 2012

    Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation (IOR-ARC) -A Study of India's Trade and Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 732 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2551 kb

  • जुलाई 2012

    Exports Of Services And Offshore Outsourcing: An Empirical Investigation In The Indian Context

    Research Brief

    PDF | 391 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2099 kb

  • जून 2012

    Indian Chemical Industry: Exploring Global Demand

    Research Brief

    PDF | 411 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2371 kb

  • मई 2012

    Technological Interventions In Indian Agriculture For Enhancement Of Crop Productivity 

    Research Brief

    PDF | 479 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1415 kb

  • मार्च 2012

    Southern African development community (SADC) : A study of India’s trade & investment potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1021 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 6995 kb

  • मार्च 2012

    Strategic development of MSMEs: comparison of policy framework and institutional support systems in India and select Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 351 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1905 kb

  • अगस्त 2011

    MERCOSUR: India's Trade And Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 351 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 1905 kb

  • अगस्त 2011

    Openness And Growth Of Indian Economy: An Empirical Analysis 

    Research Brief

    PDF | 635 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 986 kb

  • मार्च 2011

    West African Region: A Study Of India's Trade And Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1302 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 7283 kb

  • जनवरी 2011

    Caribbean Community (CARICOM): A Study Of India's Trade And Investment Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1381 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 2802 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2010

    Indian Shipping Industry: A Catalyst For Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 596 kb

    Full OP

    PDF | 5024 kb

कार्यकारी आलेखों के रूप में प्रकाशित शोध अध्ययन विभिन्न स्रोतों से जुटाए गए आंकड़ों के आधार पर किया गया एक त्वरित विश्लेषण है| ये शोध पत्र विभिन्न मुद्दों पर संक्षिप्त जानकारी देते हैं और इनका उद्देश्य शोध को आगे बढ़ाना है| ये शोध अध्ययन निर्यातकों, नीति निर्माताओं, उद्योगपतियों, निर्यात संवर्द्धन एजेंसियों और शोधार्थियों के लिए उपयोगी हो सकते हैं| तथापि यह आवश्यक नहीं कि इनमें प्रकाशित विचार बैंक के हों|

नोट: सीमलेस डाउनलोड के लिए अपने ब्राउज़र पर पॉप-अप ब्लॉकर को डिसेबल करें।

  • मई 2024

    Exploring Economic Opportunities for India in East Africa

    Full WP

    PDF | 6825 kb

  • मार्च 2024

    Exploring New Frontiers in India-US Bilateral Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 6778 kb

  • मार्च 2024

    Unraveling the Dynamics of India-ASEAN Economic Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 6260 kb

  • मार्च 2024

    Fostering Collaboration: A Roadmap for Enhancing India-Saudi Arabia Economic Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 2838 kb

  • मार्च 2024

    Strengthening Ties: Evolving Dynamics in India-Oman Bilateral Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 7731 kb

  • जनवरी 2024

    Investing in LAC: Unlocking Opportunities for India

    Full WP

    PDF | 4232 kb

  • जनवरी 2024

    India-Bangladesh: A New Age Partnership

    Full WP

    PDF | 3354 kb

  • जनवरी 2024

    India and Southern African Customs Union: Building a Stronger Economic Partnership

    Full WP

    PDF | 3187 kb

  • दिसंबर 2023

    Enhancing Production and Exports of Millets from India

    Full WP

    PDF | 6293 kb

  • दिसंबर 2023

    Transitioning to Circular Economy: A Possible Approach for India

    Full WP

    PDF | 4003 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2023

    Connecting Continents: Enhancing India-Eurasian Economic Union Trade and Investment Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 23 kb

  • जून 2023

    Forging Sustainable India- Africa Partnership through Green Transition

    Full WP

    PDF | 6796 kb

  • जून 2023

    India's Investment Potential in Africa

    Full WP

    PDF | 8012 kb

  • मई 2023

    Enhancing trade and investment relations between India and Central America

    Full WP

    PDF | 7011 kb

  • मार्च 2023

    India’s Engagement with the Lithium Triangle Nations: Securing India’s Lithium Needs

    Full WP

    PDF | 3675 kb

  • मार्च 2023

    Building Bridges: An Economic Analysis of India-Australia Trade and Investment Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 2909 kb

  • फ़रवरी 2023

    Prospects for Enhancing India-Canada Economic Relations: Trends and Potential

    Full WP

    PDF | 3857 kb

  • जनवरी 2023

    A New Era of India-European Union Strategic Partnership

    Full WP

    PDF | 5526 kb

  • दिसंबर 2022

    ‘Indian Chemical Industry: Exploring its Growth Potential’

    Full WP

    PDF | 1526 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2022

    Reinvigorating India's Economic Engagements with Southern Africa

    Full WP

    PDF | 12667 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    Reflection & Development of India's Creative Economy

    Full WP

    PDF | 11780 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    भारत और मध्य एशिया को फिर से जोड़ना: व्यापार और निवेश बढ़ाने की संभावनाएं

    Full WP

    PDF | 6776 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    India-UAE Bilateral Relations: Trends Opportunities and Way Ahead

    Full WP

    PDF | 7661 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    Building a Resilient Africa: Enhanced Role of India

    Full WP

    PDF | 11662 kb

  • मार्च 2022

    India's Trade and Investment Relations with Australia: Recent Trends and Potential

    Full WP

    PDF | 2850 kb

  • जनवरी 2022

    India-United Kingdom Bilateral Relations: Trends, Opportunities and Way Ahead

    Full WP

    PDF | 4199 kb

  • जनवरी 2022


    Full WP

    PDF | 3074 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    Promoting Agriculture Exports from India

    Full WP

    PDF | 7523 kb

  • जुलाई 2021

    भारतीय खेल सामग्री उद्योग: निर्यात क्षमता के दोहन के लिए रणनीतियाँ

    Full WP

    PDF | 7680 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    Countertrade Strategy: International Comparison and Indian Perspective

    Full WP

    PDF | 15019 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    Prospects for Enhancing India-Japan Trade Relations

    Full WP

    PDF | 13047 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    Strengthening India-Bangladesh Partnership: Paving the Way for Regional Development

    Full WP

    PDF | 5817 kb

  • मार्च 2021

    भारत अफ्रीका हेल्थकेयर: संभावनाएं और अवसर

    Full WP

    PDF | 10902 kb

  • सितंबर 2020

    India Securing Rare Earth Elements

    Full WP

    PDF | 11819 kb

  • जून 2020

    Promoting Exports from Kerala: Insights and Policy Perspectives

    Full WP

    PDF | 13855 kb

  • मार्च 2020

    India Bilateral Relations with the GCC Countries: Trends in Trade, Migration and Remittances

    Full WP

    PDF | 20347kb

  • March 2020

    Indian Chemical Industry: New Directions

    Full WP

    PDF | 7486 kb

  • February 2020

    Indian Automobile Industry: At the Crossroads

    Full WP

    PDF | 2891 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2019

    Intensifying Trade Protectionism: Implications for India

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2478 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 2478 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2019

    GVC Integration: Enhancing India's Exports - on the Bank's portal

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7279 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 6706 kb

  • जून 2019

    India-Africa Partnership in Agriculture and Farm Mechanisation

  • जून 2019

    India-Myanmar Trade and Investment: Prospects and Way Forward

    Research Brief

    PDF | 6834 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 6834 kb

  • मार्च 2019

    Analytical Enquiry into Inertia in India’s Exports and Growth Prospects

  • मार्च 2019

    बिहार से निर्यातों का संवर्द्धन: विश्लेषण और नीतिगत परिप्रेक्ष्य

  • मार्च 2019

    India-SADC Trade and Investment Relations: Harnessing the Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 15430 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 15430 kb

  • मार्च 2019

    Indian Tourism Industry: Exploring Opportunities For Enhancing Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 6044 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 6044 kb

  • December 2018

    Enhancing Exports of Technical Textiles

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3903 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 3903 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2018

    Indian Investments in West Africa: Recent Trends and Prospects

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7410 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 7410 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2018

    India-LAC Trade: Recent Trends and Opportunities in Select Countries

  • सितंबर 2018


    Research Brief

    PDF | 2366 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 2366 kb

  • अगस्त 2018

    India’s Trade Relations with Russia: Recent Trends and Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2008 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 2008 kb

  • जुलाई 2018


    Research Brief

    PDF | 1386 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 1386 kb

  • जून 2018

    Act East: Enhancing India's trade with Bangladesh and Myanmar across border

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5557 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5557 kb

  • जून 2018


    Research Brief

    PDF | 4839 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 4839 kb

  • मई 2018

    Indian Investments in Latin America and Caribbean: Trends and Prospects

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3345 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 3345 kb

  • मई 2018

    Enhancing India's Engagement In Healthcare Sector Of CLMV Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 1800 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 1800 kb

  • मई 2018


    Research Brief

    PDF | 8328 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 8328 kb

  • मार्च 2018

    Connecting Africa: Role of Transport Infrastructure

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5715 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5715 kb

  • जनवरी 2018

    पेट्रोलियम क्रूड एंड प्रोडक्ट्स में तेल मूल्य और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार: एक भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2779 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 930 kb

  • जनवरी 2018

    Oil Price and International Trade in Petroleum Crude & Products: An Indian Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 16532 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 16532 kb

  • जनवरी 2018

    Strengthening Asean - India Partnership: Trends and Future Prospects

  • जनवरी 2018

    Trade In Environmental Goods: A Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3093 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 3093 kb

  • नवम्बर 2017

    Indian Investments in East Africa - Recent Trends and Prospects

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5880 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5880 kb

  • जुलाई 2017

    The Indian Automotive Industry: An International Trade Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 8795 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 8795 kb

  • जुलाई 2017

    International Trade In Processed Foods: An Indian Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7137 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 7137 kb

  • जुलाई 2017

    Machinery Sector in India: Exploring Options for Neutralizing Trade Deficit

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3311 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 3311 kb

  • मई 2017

    Integrate Africa- A Multidimensional Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 4025 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 4025 kb

  • मई 2017

    Manufacturing in Africa- A Roadmap for Sustainable Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 4960 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 4960 kb

  • मई 2017

    Power Sector in Africa- Prospect and Potential

    Research Brief

    PDF | 14156 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 14156 kb

  • मई 2017

    Feed Africa- Achieving Progress through Partnership

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3257 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 3257 kb

  • मई 2017

    Water, Sanitation and Healthcare in Africa- Enhancing Facility, Enabling Growth

    Research Brief

    PDF | 7257 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 7257 kb

  • मार्च 2017

    India’s Investments in select East African Countries: Prospects and Opportunities

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5342 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5342 kb

  • नवम्बर 2016

    Enhancing India’s Trade Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Region Focus on Select Countries

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5052 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5052 kb

  • नवम्बर 2016

    Sustainable Investment Opportunities in Africa: Prospects for BRICS

    Research Brief

    PDF | 12676 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 12676 kb

  • अक्टूबर 2016

    Intra-BRICS trade: an Indian Perspective

    Research Brief

    PDF | 9567 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 9567 kb

  • मई 2016

    Defence Equipment Industry: Achieving Self-Reliance and Promoting Exports

    Research Brief

    PDF | 6220 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 6220 kb

  • मई 2016

    India-Africa Healthcare Cooperation: For Way Forward

  • अप्रैल 2016

    Indian Leather Industry: Perspective and Strategies

  • मार्च 2016

    Focus Africa: Enhancing India’s Engagements with Southern African Development Community (SADC)

    Research Brief

    PDF | 2695 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 2695 kb

  • मार्च 2016

    International Solar Alliance: Nurturing Possibilities

  • मार्च 2016

    India's Services Sector- An Analysis

    Research Brief

    PDF | 5060 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 5060 kb

  • जनवरी 2016

    Exports From West Bengal: Potential & Strategy

    Research Brief

    PDF | 3910 kb

    Full WP

    PDF | 8427 kb

  • दिसंबर 2015

    Make in India for the World: Realizing Export Potential of Railways

  • अक्टूबर 2015

    Turkey: A Study of India’s Trade and Investment Potential

  • अक्टूबर 2015

    Enhancing India's Trade Relations with Africa: A Brief Analysis

  • अक्टूबर 2015

    Enhancing India's Trade Relations with LAC: Focus on Select Countries

  • अगस्त 2015

    Potential for Enhancing India’s Trade with RUSSIA : A Brief Analysis

  • अगस्त 2015

    Potential For Enhancing India's Trade with China: An Update

  • जून 2015

    Potential for Enhancing India’s Trade with IRAN : A Brief Analysis

  • मई 2015

    Enhancing India’s Trade Relations with ECOWAS

  • मार्च 2015

    Study on Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

  • नवंबर 2014

    Enhancing India’s Bilateral Ties with Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam: A Brief Analysis

  • अक्टूबर 2014

    Potential For Enhancing India's Trade With Korea Republic : A Brief Analysis

  • जुलाई 2014

    Strategic Development Of The Ship Building Sector: Institutional Support System And Policy Framework In India And Select Countries

  • जून 2014

    Potential For Enhancing Intra-SAARC Trade: A Brief Analysis

  • अप्रैल 2014

    Potential For Enhancing India’s Trade With Australia : A Brief Analysis

  • जनवरी 2013

    Potential for Enhancing India's Trade with China: A Brief Analysis

  • अगस्त 2012

    Potential for Enhancing Indias Trade with Pakistan: A Brief Analysis

  • जुलाई 2012

    Potential For Enhancing Indias Trade With Iran: A Brief Analysis

  • अप्रैल 2012

    Potential For Enhancing Indias Trade With Myanmar: A Brief Analysis

नोट: सीमलेस डाउनलोड के लिए अपने ब्राउज़र पर पॉप-अप ब्लॉकर को डिसेबल करें।

  • Unlocking Opportunities: A Guide to Negotiating Financial Services in Free Trade Agreements


    PDF | 3623 kb

  • Inter-Linkages between Exports and Employment in India: An Update

  • Misreporting Trade Statistics and Unrecorded Capital Flows: Estimates, Causes and Remedies


    PDF | 4350 kb

  • Enhancing India-Cariforum Economic Relations and Prospects For Cooperation


    PDF | 5974 kb

  • Countertrade Strategy for India


    PDF | 9890 kb

  • Digital Manufacturing
    in India


    PDF | 3975 kb

  • Study on Reorienting Trade Policy:Towards a Synchronised Trade and Investment Framework for India


    PDF | 4198 kb

  • Impact of Covid-19 on India's International Trade: Strategies and Policy Perspective

  • ब्रिक्स सहयोग को आगे बढ़ाना

    Main Report

    PDF | 4999 kb

  • MSMEs in North East India

    Main Report

    PDF | 58675 kb

  • Relooking India's Tariff Framework

    Executive Summary

    PDF | 5938 kb

    Main Report

    PDF | 7098 kb

  • BRICS: Promoting Trade, Investment and Business Cooperation

    Main Report

    PDF | 2912 kb

  • Domestic Policy Constraints for Exports in Select Sectors

    Main Report

    PDF | 12823 kb

    Report on Export Hub

    PDF | 11339 kb

  • A Bridge Between India and Latin America: Policy Options for Deeper Economic Cooperation

    Brief Summary

    PDF | 3864 kb

    Main Report

    PDF | 34990 kb

  • India’s Services Trade Liberalisation and Export Promotion: A Study for Government Policy Making

    Brief Summary

    PDF | 3864 kb

    Main Report

    PDF | 34990 kb

  • Study on Non-Tariff Measures

    Part I

    PDF | 16126 kb

    Part II

    PDF | 4350 kb<2/p>

  • Deepening South-South Collaboration: An Analysis of Africa and India’s Trade and Investment

    Brief Summary

    PDF | 3484 kb

    Main Report

    PDF | 3484 kb

  • Creating a Resilient Trade Finance Architecture: A Compendium of Articles

    Brief Summary

    PDF | 2807 kb

    Main Report

    PDF | 2807 kb


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