Research & Analysis

Feeling the pulse of Indian and global economies

At the helm of Exim Bank's Research & Analysis Group (RAG) is a team of experienced economists and strategists who steer the group with in-depth insights on international economics, trade and investment through qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

The Group skillfully monitors trends in global and domestic economies to analyse their impact on Indian and other developing economies. Besides catering to the constituents within the Bank, the Group also connects with the Government, RBI, exporters/importers, trade & industry associations, external credit agencies, academic institutions and researchers.

The Group envisages avenues to enhance India's international engagement and implements the research under a broad classification of regional, sectoral and policy related studies; which are then published as Occasional Papers, Working Papers, Books, etc.

The Group also undertakes country profiles to:

  • assess the economic, political, currency and credit risks involved

  • identify export opportunities in the country concerned

  • provide short-to-medium term economic outlook of a country

  • indicate the economic risk involved in doing business with country

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Further, the Group prepares exposure limit for countries of business interest to the Bank, and tracks development in the key industries for the benefit of the Bank's business exposure in these industries. On behalf of interested companies, the Bank undertakes customised research in the sphere of establishing market potential, defining marketing arrangements and specifying distribution channels. It assists these companies to develop export market entry plans.

With an objective to provide up-to-date information to Indian traders and investors, the Group publishes various bulletins regularly with information on export opportunities and highlights developments that have a bearing on Indian exports. They include:

'Eximius: Export Advantage' - a quarterly bulletin

The newsletter comprises regional and industry outlooks, activities of the Bank, opportunities in multilateral funded projects and contract awards, review on select traded currencies and countries, and a section on the happenings during the quarter. As a free publication, it is effectively distributed to a wide network of scholars, economists, institutions, Government of India offices, and export promoting organisations.

'Agri Export Advantage' - a bi-monthly publication

It provides stakeholders of Indian agri-businesses with updates on global agri-environment and markets, research reports on agri-commodities, international issues, prospective areas, agricultural trade and policies, regulatory issues in international trade, WTO Government schemes and assistance, latest international news brief and Bank's activities to promote agri-export from India. It is published in English, Hindi and 10 regional languages including Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu.