Export Advisory Service

Export Advisory Services Group (EAS)

The Export Advisory Services Group [EAS] offers a diverse range of information, advisory and support services, which enable exporters to evaluate international risks, exploit export opportunities and improve competitiveness. Value added information and support services are provided to Indian projects exporters on the projects funded by multilateral agencies.

The Group undertakes customised research on behalf of interested companies in the areas such as establishing market potential, defining marketing arrangements, and specifying market distribution channels. Developing export market entry plans, facilitating accomplishment of international quality certification and display of products in trade fairs and exhibitions are other services provided.

The Bank provides a wide range of information, advisory and support services, which complement its financing programmes. These services are provided on a fee basis to Indian companies and overseas entities. The scope of services includes market-related information, sector and feasibility studies, technology supplier identification, partner search, investment facilitation and development of joint ventures both in India and abroad. During the year, the Bank provided a range of services to companies. Information in the form of a list of importers / exporters across different industries and sectors was provided to Indian firms active in international trade

Multilateral Funded Projects Overseas (MFPO)

The Bank provides a package of information and support services to Indian companies to help improve their prospects for securing business in projects funded by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. During the year, the Bank disseminated information on numerous overseas business opportunities to various Indian companies covering various sectors including transportation, construction, telecommunication, energy, infrastructure, educational and information technology.

Exim Bank as a Consultant

The Bank’s experience in evolving as an institution supporting international trade and investment, in addition to functioning as an export credit agency in a developing country context, is of particular relevance in other developing countries. The Bank has been sharing its experience and expertise by undertaking consultancy assignments. Exim Bank also shares its experience and expertise through provision of on-site exchange of personnel programmes aimed at providing a first-hands experience to the employees of its institutional partners.

Institutional Linkages

The Bank has fostered a network of alliances and institutional linkages with multilateral agencies, export credit agencies, banks and financial institutions, trade promotion bodies, and investment promotion boards to help create an enabling environment for supporting trade and investment.

Global Network of Exim Banks and Development Financial Institutions

The Global Network of Exim Banks and Development Finance Institutions (G-NEXID) was set up in Geneva in March 2006 through the Bank’s initiative, under the auspices of UNCTAD. With the active support of a number of other Exim Banks and Development Finance Institutions from various developing countries, the network has endeavoured to foster enhanced South-South trade and investment cooperation, characterized among others, by the launching of the G-NEXID’s website (www.gnexid.org) and annual meetings of the Forum. ‘Observer Status’ in UNCTAD underscores support for the Forum, while acceptance of the accrued benefit of the Forum by developing countries can be assessed from the fact that the members continued to extend their active participation in the year 2012-13 also.

Award for Excellence

The Bank, in association with CII, has instituted an Annual Award for Business Excellence for best Total Quality Management (TQM) practices adopted by an Indian company. The Award is based on the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model.

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Export Advisory Services Group (EAS)
