In comparison with other organisations with similar asset levels, Exim Bank's staff strength is lean. The Bank's staff, comprising management graduates, chartered accountants, bankers, economists, legal, library and documentation experts, engineers, linguists, human resources, marketing and IT specialists, numbered 353 as on March 31, 2024. The Bank organises various group training programmes, facilitating continuous upgradation of skills of its staff. Officers are also nominated for customised training programmes and seminars including e-learning, aimed at enhancing skill sets for handling highly-specialised portfolios.
Right from its inception, Exim Bank has attached a great deal of importance to a congenial and challenging work environment. The objective has been to achieve excellence in its area of operations, not only in comparison with national organisations but also in a global context. The bank has a private sector work ethic, while drawing upon the advantages thrown up by way of its public sector ownership. Some salient features of the work environment are the emphasis on office automation, an open office system, an independent "doer's" work culture, minimisation of hierarchical constraints in organisational functioning, and multi-disciplinary inputs in decision making. Exim Bank is an officer oriented organisation. Officers work independently and self-sufficiently in all the activities that their job entails. A sense of togetherness and common purpose is sought to be fostered by the Bank's in-house publication Eximius, and the annual staff get-together. The Eminent Persons Lecture Series brings persons who have achieved eminence in diverse fields to interact and share their experience with officers.
While the Bank does have a variety of designations for its professionals, these are meant more for the purpose of establishing accountability and do not have much relation to the work content. Externally, the titles serve a purpose akin to protocol in fielding queries. Internally, the Bank functions more like a horizontal organisational structure minimising the hierarchical levels to quicken decision making. Consequently, internal communication is free and fast flowing.
Decision Making
The complexity of the Bank's functions requires cross-disciplinary inputs for effective and correct decision-making. Thus, all important decisions are taken with the aid of inputs from relevant specialists within the Bank. This enables a comprehensive micro and macro level assessment of risks and rewards. Through this process of collegiate decision making, team work and inter personal skills are deployed to the fullest extent so as to make optimum use of the Bank's diverse human resources.
Office Automation & Technology
Exim Bank operates at the frontier of available office automation and technology. The Bank believes that human resources should primarily be utilised for activities that require knowledge, skills, analysis and discretionary choices. An array of state-of-the-art computer hardware, software, and telecommunications are available to the Bank's personnel. Members of the staff make use of these facilities to the fullest extent feasible not only for non-discretionary activities but also as necessary tools for optimising their work output both in terms of quantity and quality.