Release of India Exim Bank Publication on Enhancing Trade and Investment Relations between India and Central America

San Pedro Sula, Honduras, May 31, 2023 - India Exim Bank’s Study titled ‘Enhancing Trade and Investment Relations: Between India and Central America’ was released during the 53rd Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) General Assembly Meeting  held in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on May 31, 2023 by Mr. Luis Antonio Ramírez, President of ALIDE (right) and Mr. Edwin Araque, President of Banhprovi (left), in the presence of Mr. Ravindra Mehru, Resident Representative, India Exim Bank’s Washington D.C. Office. 


India Exim Bank’s study titled ‘Enhancing Trade and Investment Relations: Between India and Central America’ was released during the 53rd Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) General Assembly Meeting  held in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on May 31, 2023 by Mr. Luis Antonio Ramírez, President of ALIDE (right) and Mr. Edwin Araque, President of Banhprovi (left), in the presence of Mr. Ravindra Mehru, Resident Representative, India Exim Bank’s Washington D.C. Office.

The General Assembly provided a platform for deliberations on current issues impacting India-Central America trade while identifying opportunities for closer collaboration in diversified areas.

The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region remains an important regional partner for India. The sub region of Central America, which acts as a bridge between North and South America, is evolving as a region of special interest for India in the LAC region.  Total trade between India and Central America which stood at US$ 159.1 million in 2001, has increased to US$ 2.9 billion in 2021. 

While India’s trade relations with countries in the Central American region have transformed considerably over the last decade, the structure and pattern are yet to be diversified and there lies huge potential for diversifying India’s exports.

The study also identifies investment opportunities which could be leveraged, based on India’s comparative advantage and highlights key strategies to further expand India-Central America partnership.  As India expands its presence in Central America, the relationship holds immense potential for mutual growth and promoting shared prosperity.


For further information, please contact:

Mr. David Sinate
Chief General Manager
Research & Analysis Group
Export Import Bank of India
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